Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 12th:Geneviève Bourgeois

Genevieve Bourgeois is the first artist to draw at the Met with me, which was rather exciting. Below is her work and thoughts.

Genevieve's Observations

On Sunday September 12th, 2010. I joined Caitlin at the Met, we chatted while waltzing through exhibits. Although we were involved in deep conversation, I couldn’t help but notice minuet details. Whether we were discovering Egyptian tombs, admiring American furniture, noting height measurements of Frank Lloyd Writes’ chair legs, to holes in a hippopotamus’ tooth. When we finally decided to work we found ourselves surrounded by Islamic art. Had a hard time focusing the tip of my pencil. I ended up taking a five-minute adventure and stumbled upon a spacious room “Buddha of Medicine” and tall shapely figures. This room is where I rejected my pencil choose a pen and focused on the shapes that filled the room.
This was a wonderful experience and I would be more than willing to do it again. It is always a pleasure to be with great company surrounded by a cornucopia of masterpieces.

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