Thursday, September 2, 2010

September Second

Today I had my first guest, Lauren Hilger, friend and former teaching partner. Her poem is forthcoming tomorrow. Lauren led the way on my request and we found ourselves in Gallery 36: Carracci, Reni and Geurcino.

The room was red and dominated by religious icons, with some greco-roman inspired art and a painting of a sorceress thrown in.

Writing was harder today for me. Although I had some interesting ideas I did not have anything that really qualifies as a fully formed poem.

Lauren wrote a lot while standing, and that is something I want to do more in the future.

I wrote my first Ekphrastic poem after seeing the following painting. The painting and my poem share a title.

Rest on the Flight to Egypt

Tip my head against the seat's
blue cotton. Sleep close.

The pilot's voice
comes on overhead, turbulence.

My seatmate crosses her body, determined thumb
and fat forefinger connecting
with each covered breast.

Day of the Week: Thursday
Occupancy of Museum: Fairly empty
Arrived at: 2:00
Departed at: 3:15
Read on Commute: The World Without Us, Allan Weisman
Tone of Writing produced: Self Aware

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